Continuum of Service Options

Clinton-Massie Preschool offers a continuum of services to students that qualify for special education services. Ohio has provided guidance for identifying the least restrictive environment (LRE) for students.

(Services range from Least Restrictive to Most Restrictive)

Preschool General Education Class Environment or Head Start Classroom

  • The classroom is made up of more typically developing students with a maximum of eight students on IEP’s enrolled in the class. The speech therapist provides the specifically designed instruction, while the general education teacher provides instruction in the general education curriculum. (max of 10 typically developing peers/8 students with services) Head Start in Wilmington is also a general education setting environment option for our families.

Integrated Classroom Environment

  • This classroom is taught by a dual-licensed teacher who meets the lead teacher and intervention specialist requirements. The intent of the class is 50% typically developing peer models and 50% students on IEP’s enrolled. (max of 8 typically developing peers/8 students with services)

Public Preschool Special Education Class Environment

  • This classroom is taught by a dual-licensed teacher who meets the lead teacher and intervention specialist requirements. The intent of the classroom is to have 51% or more of students in the class are children with disabilities) (max of 7 typically developing peers, 8 students with services)

Home or Service provider Location

  • Special education services are provided within the home setting or service provider location.

The least restrictive environment (LRE) means that the child should be educated along with children without disabilities, to the greatest extent possible. The IEP team determines how to address the most appropriate placement for the child. Parents are an equal member of the IEP team.

The State of Ohio requires preschool programs to provide families with a list of community daycare/preschool options within the surrounding area. You can access this list via this link.

Decisions regarding Least Restrictive Environment are discussed and determined as an IEP team during the IEP meeting.