Mission of the Board of Education
2025 Board Meeting Dates / Board Documents & Policies / Organizational Chart
The Board of Education is legally responsible for:
Developing policies and regulations necessary for the governance of the school district, its employees, students, and all persons entering school grounds or premises
Ensuring students are provided with high-quality educational opportunities
Appointing a superintendent of schools and investing such powers in him/her as may be legally delegated
Appointing a treasurer
Acting on personnel and policies recommended by the superintendent
Seeing that the annual budget is prepared and acted on
Passing an annual appropriations measure
Entering into contracts with all personnel in the manner required by Ohio laws
Levying taxes with a vote of the people to maintain schools
The Board of Education's mission is to enhance the educational experience while utilizing our resources efficiently to provide financial stability.
We encourage all of those living and/or working in our school district to take an interest in the work of the Clinton-Massie Board of Education. We invite you to join us at our meetings or to call or email us with any ideas, questions or concerns.