Welcome to our 2024/25 School Year!
We are so excited for another great school year here at Clinton Massie Local Schools.
We do have a couple exciting announcements in the Cafeterias.
Meal prices remain the same!
Breakfast $1.75 for all grades
Lunch K-5 $3.00 6-12 $3.25 extra milk - .75 cents
The government passed the Ohio Budget Bill, which will give us reimbursement for each “reduced” student that eats breakfast or lunch. This means for the families, that if you are approved for reduced meals, you will no longer have to pay .30 cents for breakfast, or .40 cents for lunch. The students approved for reduced will be free, also. You must fill out an application, and be approved, for reduced meals to receive this benefit.
Community Eligibility Program
There have been questions about the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) that some neighboring districts are offering.
We will not be participating as we do not qualify for the program. Even if we did qualify, it may not be in the best interest of the district. Currently our free/reduced lunch student population hovers around 20-25% of our student body. Those students are not charged for lunch, or there is a reduced charge. This free lunch program requires our cafeteria department to cover the cost of the other students with minimal reimbursement.
An example would be a student who pays $3.00 for a lunch could be reimbursed to our cafeteria fund at a low rate, such as $0.50. That would not be a financially sustainable model for our cafeteria to maintain, and could potentially end up with our general fund money having to cover cafeteria costs. With our financial struggles, we feel that would not be a responsible move at this time. Other districts that have a higher free/reduced population would have less students to cover, which makes it a little easier to provide.
We also are striving to keep our costs as low as possible and if our cafeteria were to run out of funds, we would potentially need to raise the cost of lunches to cover expenses. We will continue to monitor this program and evaluate options for our students.